For every Linked List we have something called Head which marks the starting of a list. So we have two main structures namely
- Node
- Head
Why we need a new structure for HEAD variable ?
Just for convenience I decided to have HEAD its own structure. You can even use the Node structure.
Every Node in a Doubly Linked List has three main members namely
- PREV - holds the memory location of the Previous Node in the List. If there are none we point towards NULL. For the First Node in the List PREV points to NULL.
- NEXT - holds the memory location of the Next Node in the List. If there are none we point towards NULL. For the Last Node in the List NEXT points to NULL.
- DATA - In simple words it holds Data. In our case it holds the memory location to the actual data to be held by the Node.
typedef struct node { struct node *prev; void *data; struct node *next; }NODE;
Head acts as the "head" of the List. Head structure has two members namely- LENGTH - holds the count of number of Nodes in the List.
- FIRST - hold the memory location of the first Node in the List. If the List is EMPTY it points to NULL.
typedef struct head { unsigned int length; struct node *first; }HEAD;
NOTE: Our Head structure doesn't contain any pointer to the Tail of the List. Eventhough its a best way to include a pointer to Tail Node we decided to cover that implementation in Circular Doubly Linked List.