/* Ajith - Syntax Higlighter - End ----------------------------------------------- */


Reading a string of length 'n' from Standard Input [STDIN]

We know how to read a string from STDIN in C by using library functions like scanf, fgets and so on. By using these functions there is a chance for memory corruption and strange behaviour. For example while using scanf if we try to save a string of length more than the variable size there is a chance of memory corruption.

So here in this post I am just trying to implement a function capable to read a string of length 'n' from STDIN without memory corruption and other bugs.

Do help me by checking the code if there is a chance for further improvements.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define BUF_SIZE 6
#define STRING_SIZE 4

* void getStringStdin(char *, int , int );
* 1: BUF :Pointer to the array of characters where input string
is to be stored.
* 2: BUF_LEN :Is the length of the array of characters where the
string is stored.buffer where we save the string.
* 3: STRING_LEN :Is the length of the string.

getStringStdin(char *buf, int buf_len, int str_len)
int ch, len;
char *s;


printf ("\nEnter string of length %d(Remaining is ignored): ",len);

if( (fgets(buf, len+1, stdin)) != NULL )

while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n' && ch != EOF);

int main(void)
int i=0;
char buf[BUF_SIZE];

getString(buf, BUF_SIZE, STRING_SIZE);
printf ("\nString : %s\n", buf);

return 0;

How to: Listing all users in a Linux machine

TO list all the users who can access a Linux machine we have to access the /etc/passwd file, which stores information about all registered users of that machine. But it is not really so easy as told above since the file contains many other fields & machine trust accounts & inbuilt accounts.

We'll start by
cat /etc/passwd 

As we all know that by default all the users created will have their home directories in /home share so we'll modify our command a bit by using grep. Now it'll be
cat /etc/passwd | grep "/home"

Now we'll get all the user accounts which have their home share in /home.But the only output we need is the list of users & nothing else. So we'll modify our command again
cat /etc/passwd | grep "/home" |cut -d: -f1
Now what we have done is that we have piped the output of previous command to another variable "cut"

What we have done here is we have added cut -d: -f1
-d: means delimiter :
-f1 means display first field of line i.e. username.

So final command is
cat /etc/passwd | grep "/home" |cut -d: -f1
This works until all your users have their home share in /home. If you have defined their home share to some other destination. Modify the above command accordingly.


Signals in Linux - Generating Signals

Besides signals that are generated as a result of a hardware trap or interrupt, your program can explicitly send signals to itself or to another process.

The kill system call can be used to send any signal to any process group or process.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <signal.h>

int kill(pid_t pid, int sig);

For more information checkout: man 2 kill

There are restrictions that prevent you from using kill to send signals to any random process. These are intended to prevent antisocial behavior such as arbitrarily killing off processes belonging to another user. In typical use, kill is used to pass signals between parent, child, and sibling processes, and in these situations you normally do have permission to send signals. The only common exception is when you run a setuid program in a child process; if the program changes its real UID as well as its effective UID, you may not have permission to send a signal. The su program does this.

A process or thread can send a signal to itself with the raise function. The raise function takes just one parameter, a signal number.

In a single-threaded program it is equivalent to kill(getpid(), sig). In a multithreaded program it is equivalent to pthread_kill(pthread_self(), sig). If the signal causes a handler to be called, raise will only return after the signal handler has returned.
#include <signal.h>

int raise(int sig);

For more information checkout: man 3 raise
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

static volatile sig_atomic_t doneflag = 10;

static void setdoneflag(int signo) {
printf("\nIn SignalHandler - setdoneflag\n");

int main (void) {

signal(SIGINT, setdoneflag);

printf("In While loop - %d\n",doneflag);

printf("Program terminating ...\n");
return 0;


Implementation of Singly Linked List

This article is part of article series - "Datastructures"

Generally a Linked List means "Singly Linked List". It is a chain of records known as Nodes. Each node has at least two members, one of which points to the next Node in the list and the other holds the data.

Figure 1: Singly Linked List
Basically Single Linked Lists are uni-directional as they can only point to the next Node in the list but not to the previous. We use below structure for a Node in our example.
 struct Node
   int Data;
   struct Node *Next;
Variable Data holds the data in the Node (It can be a pointer variable pointing to the dynamically allocated memory) while Next holds the address to the next Node in the list.

Figure 2: Node in a Singly Linked List
Head is a pointer variable of type struct Node which acts as the Head to the list. Initially we set 'Head' as NULL which means list is empty.


Signals in Linux - Standard Signals

Every signal has a unique signal name, an abbreviation that begins with SIG (SIGINT for interrupt signal, for example). Each signal name is a macro which stands for a positive integer - the signal number for that kind of signal. Your programs should never make assumptions about the numeric code for a particular kind of signal, but rather refer to them always by the names defined. This is because the number for a given kind of signal can vary from system to system, but the meanings of the names are standardized and fairly uniform.

The signal names are defined in signal.h (/usr/include/bits/signum.h), which must be included by any C program that uses signals.

Several signal numbers are architecture-dependent, as indicated in the "Value" column. (Where three values are given, the first one is usually valid for alpha and sparc, the middle one for ix86, ia64, ppc, s390, arm and sh, and the last one for mips. A - denotes that a signal is absent on the corresponding architecture.)

The signals SIGKILL and SIGSTOP cannot be caught, blocked, or ignored.

Next the signals not in the POSIX.1-1990 standard but described in SUSv2 and POSIX.1-2001.

Up to and including Linux 2.2, the default behavior for SIGSYS, SIGXCPU, SIGXFSZ, and (on architectures other than SPARC and MIPS) SIGBUS was to terminate the process (without a core dump). Linux 2.4 conforms to the POSIX.1-2001 requirements for these signals, terminating the process with a core dump.

Next various other signals.

For detailed information about the side-effects and reasons causing these signals checout libc manual.